FRIT Major & Minor Courses

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The Department of French and Italian (FRIT) offers a great variety of courses including undergraduate, graduate, GE, and introductory language courses. ​

Students in our courses learn to think critically, deepen their appreciation of other cultures, gain proficiency in a second language, and develop their intercultural competence. 

Courses cover all periods of literary, cultural and intellectual history, in-depth specializations in post-colonial studies, medieval, Enlightenment, and modern literature and culture; film studies; literary and cultural theory; historical linguistics; and second-language acquisition.

Courses for French & French and Francophone Studies

FRENCH 2101.01 - Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

FRENCH 2101.01H - Honors Introduction to French and Francophone Studies

FRENCH 2101.51 - Introduction to French and Francophone Studies Individualized

FRENCH 2193 - Individual Studies

FRENCH 2194 - Group Studies

FRENCH 3101 - French Grammar Review

FRENCH 3102 - French Pronunciation and Performance

FRENCH 3103 - French Conversation

FRENCH 3201 - French Literary and Visual Texts

FRENCH 3202 - Literary and visual texts of the Francophone world

FRENCH 3401 - Introduction to Contemporary France

FRENCH 3402 - Introduction to Francophone Cultures

FRENCH 3403 - Topics in French-Speaking Cultures

FRENCH 3501 - Introduction to French for the Professions

FRENCH 3502 - French for International Studies

FRENCH 3503 - Medical French

FRENCH 3570 - CLLC Radio

FRENCH 3797 - Intermediate Study at a French Institution

FRENCH 3801 - French-American Culture Wars

FRENCH 4100 - Advanced French Grammar for Contemporary Contexts

FRENCH 4401 - Topics in French and Francophone Studies

FRENCH 4402 - France from the Great War to the Present: Culture in Flux

FRENCH 4690 - French for the Professions Internship

FRENCH 4797 - Advanced Study at a Foreign Institution

FRENCH 4998 - Undergraduate Research Projects

FRENCH 4998H - Honors Undergraduate Research Projects

FRENCH 4999 - Undergraduate Research Thesis

FRENCH 4999H - Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis

FRENCH 5104 - Medieval French

FRENCH 5105 - Medieval Occitan

FRENCH 5201 - Gothic to Renaissance: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5202 - Versailles to the Enlightenment: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5203 - Romanticism to Surrealism: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5204 - World Wars and Beyond: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5205 - Black Africa and Diaspora: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5206 - North Africa: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5401 - Louis XIV to World War I

FRENCH 5403 - Topics in French-Speaking Cultures and Literatures

FRENCH 5701 - Topics in French and Francophone Cinema

FRENCH 5702 - Studies in French Cinema

FRENCH 5797 - Advanced and Graduate Study at a Foreign Institution

FRENCH 1801 - Masterpieces of the French-Speaking World, GEL Literature, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

FRENCH 2501 - Topics in French Literature and Culture in Translation, GEL Literature

FRENCH 2801 - French Cinema, GEL Visual and Performing Arts

FRENCH 2802 - Comics and Culture, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEN Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies

FRENCH 2803.01 - Paris, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEN Theme: Lived Environments

FRENCH 2803.03 - Global May Paris, GEL Cultures and Ideas

FRENCH 2804 - Rebels & Runaways, REGD Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity, GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

FRENCH 3802 – Made in Quebec: From Poutine to Pop Music and Everything in Between, GEN Theme: Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations

FRENCH 3803 – Cultures of Resistance, GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World

FRENCH 3804 – French Kiss: Sex and Love in the French Tradition, GEN Theme:  Traditions, Cultures, and Transformations

FRIT 3052 - Mediterranean Voyages: Migration and Travel, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies (Cross-listed with Comparative Studies)

FRIT 3053 - The Black Mediterranean, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

FRIT 3054 - The 21st-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Citizenship for a Diverse & Just World (can be counted toward the ASC Leadership Major)

FRIT 3061 - Mediterranean Food Cultures, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Lived Environments, GEN Theme: Sustainability

FRIT 3301 - Discovering Second Language Acquisition, GEN Social and Behavioral Sciences, Data Analysis Embedded Literacy

FRIT 5051 - Latin and the Romance Languages

FRIT 5061 - The Global Mediterranean

Extra-departmental courses that can count toward the French & Francophone Studies major, organized by Department. 

Comparative Studies

2301 - Introduction to World Literature (when taught by Armstrong or Pérez) (GEL: Social Diversity & GEN: LVPA & REGD)

Analysis of oral and written literatures of diverse cultures and historical periods.

3360- Introduction to Globalization and Culture (when taught by Armstrong)

History and contemporary dimensions of globalization, focusing on period preceding European hegemony, era of European colonialism, period of decolonization, and contemporary contexts.

4420 - Cultural Food Systems and Sustainability (GEN: Sustainability)

5957.02 Folklore in Circulation topic: Cultures of Waste and Recycling

Study of transmission of culture.  Topics vary, e.g., tourists, travelers, tricksters; cultures of waste and recycling; orality and literacy.

Film Studies

3660 - Documentary Film Studies (when it includes substantial French and/or Francophone material taught by Flinn)

An upper-level course in documentary geared toward film studies majors.

4640 - Studies in Cinema History (when it includes substantial French and/or Francophone material taught by Flinn)

An upper-level course on aspects of film history geared toward film studies majors.

4650 - Studies in Regional Cinema (when it includes substantial French and/or Francophone material taught by Flinn)

An upper-level course on topics in a (sub-)national, geographic, or cultural region's cinema conducted in English and geared toward film studies majors.

4895 – Advanced Seminar: Topics in Film Studies (when it includes substantial French and/or Francophone material taught by Flinn)

Selected problems (themes, movements, theories, genres, styles, etc.) in film studies; topics vary per semester.


5601 – Foucault, Power, Governance           

Governance and society from a geographic perspective using Foucault's governmentality framework.


2203 - Introduction to Early Modern Europe. (GEN HCS)

A survey of European history from the Black Death to the Congress of Vienna. This course examines social, cultural, religious, political and economic developments from the mid fourteenth to the early nineteenth century. Sometimes taught at distance.

2204 - Modern European History. (GEN HCS)

Examination of selected themes from the history of Modern Europe from the French Revolution to the Present.

2206 - History of Paris, Origins to the Present. (GEN HCS)

An introductory survey course on the history of Paris from its earliest human settlement to the present day. This course will explore the history of the people and events that have shaped the Paris we know today.

2302 - History of Modern Africa, 1800 - 1960s. (GEN HCS)

Thematic survey of African history from 1800 to the 1960s.

2303 - History of Contemporary Africa, 1960 – present. (GEN HCS)

Africa from independence to the present. Contemporary African societies, cultures, economics, and politics from independence to the present.

2500 – 20th Century International History. (GEN HCS)

Examines international political, economic, and military relations from the origins of World War I through the break up of the Soviet Union.

3249 – Early Modern Europe, 1560-1778. GE

A survey of Europe from the late-sixteenth-century wars of religion to the more secular political conflicts on the eve of the French Revolution.

3250 Revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe, 1750-1815. GE

A survey of European but especially French history from the crisis of the Old Regime to the end of the wars of the French Revolution.

3251 - History of Europe in the 19th Century.

3253 - 20th Century Europe to 1950.

3254 - Europe Since 1950: From the Iron Curtain to Fortress Europe. (GEN MMI)

3270 - History of World War I. GE

Origins, conduct, and consequences of the First World War in global context.

3301 - History of Modern West Africa, post 1800. GE

History of Modern West Africa since 1800; examines West African history from the era of European conquests to the present. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.

3304 - History of Islam in Africa. GE

Africa from the emergence of Islam in the 600s to the Present. African contributions to Islam and the impact of Islam on African societies. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.

3306 - History of African Christianity. GE

The development of Christianity in Africa from antiquity to the present; Christianity's interaction with Islam and indigenous religions; Mission Christianity and its aftermath. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.

3308 - History of US - Africa Relations, 1900 – Present. GE

History of the United States' relations with Africa since World War I. Sometimes this course is offered in a distance-only format.

3552 - War in World History, 1900 – Present. GE

Study of the causes, conduct, and consequences of warfare around the world, 1900-present.

3642 - Women in Modern Europe, from the 18th century to the Present. GE

Study of women's lives and activism emphasizing the ways in which economic position, religion, sexuality, marital status, regional and national differences influenced their experiences.

3798.06 - Between France and Morocco: Inclusivity and Diversity in the Francophone World. GE

This is a Study Abroad course offered in the 4-Week May Session that traces the evolution of plural (cultural, religious, political, and national) identities in France and North Africa, focusing on shared histories and tensions between the two countries.

History of Art 

2002 –Western Art II: The Renaissance to the Present. GE

Examination of the history of art in Europe and the United States, from 1400 to the present. 

3611 - Impressionism, Then and Now

An examination of the emergence and evolution of French Impressionism and its impact on subsequent artistic production from the early 20th century to the present.

4050 - Art of Paris     

Study of the painting, sculpture, buildings, and public and private spaces created in and for the people of Paris.

4421 - Medieval Art

Art and architecture of Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean from the 5th to the 15th centuries; focuses on visual culture of monasteries, cathedrals, and castles.

4550 - Eighteenth-Century European Art

Artistic trends in eighteenth century Venice, Rome, Paris and London.

5001 - Post-Impressionisms: Art and Culture in fin-de-siècle Paris (1880-1900)

Topics: Western Art: Topics to be announced.

5611 - European Art in the Age of Revolution, 1774-1851

Survey of major trends in European art from the French Revolution until the middle of the 19th Century.

5612 - European Art in the Age of Empire, 1852-1900

Survey of major trends in European art from 1852 until the end of the 19th Century.

5621 - Post-Impressionism to Dada

Survey of major trends in European art from circa 1880 to the aftermath of World War I.

International Studies

2000 - Introduction to Africa. GE

Interdepartmental survey of the land, people, history, politics, social institutions, economic development, literature and the arts.

3350 - Introduction to Western Europe. GE

Presents an introductory overview of the historical background to modern Western Europe. It surveys the development of society & politics, as well as the evolution of art, architecture & music.

4195 - Selected Program in International Studies: Belonging Europe

This course introduces you to the everyday habits and everyday contradictions of life in Europe. We will be thinking about the big political and existential issues--identity, coexistence, migration, attachment to place, coping with change--not through the operations of institutions, but as lived on the ground and considered in culture.

4515 - Ethnicity, Development, and the State in Sub-Saharan Africa

Takes a theoretical and comparative historical approach to analyzing problems of development and ethnic conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.

INTSTDS/ AEDECON 4534 Comparative Challenges to Economic Development: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and China

An introductory survey course of issues shaping economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and China, such as: population growth, agricultural development, industrialization, trade, structural adjustment, and environmental issues.

4800 – Cultural Diplomacy (when taught be Noyes)          

Cultural Diplomacy is the exchange of information, ideas and values among nations and peoples. Public and private mechanisms for these exchanges are explored.

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

2215 - Gothic Paris: 1100-1300 (GE Culture and Ideas and Diversity-Global Studies Course)

The arts, architecture, poetry, history, music, theology, food, and fashion of Paris in 1100-1300, the age of Gothic cathedrals and the birth of the university.


Linguistics 2051 - Analyzing the sounds of Language (GEL Data Analysis; this course may count toward FRIT’s majors’ data analysis requirement; GEN Foundation: Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning)

The sounds that languages use are examined. Quantitative analytical tools used in phonetic science are introduced. Small experiments are conducted to introduce students to research.

Linguistics 2501 - Linguistics for Language Learning (GEL Diversity: Global Studies, Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEN Foundation: Social and Behavioral Sciences)

Linguistics 3603: Language Across Cultures (GEL Diversity: Global Studies, Social Science: Individuals and Groups; GEN Themes: Lived Environments)

Linguistics 3802 - Language and Computers. (GEL Quantitative Reasoning: Math and Logical Analysis; GEN Themes: Number, Nature, & Mind)

Introduction to human language technology, explaining the computational and linguistic principles behind such familiar technologies as web search, machine translation, and spelling correction.

Linguistics 3902 - Language Endangerment & Language Death (GEL Cross-disciplinary Seminar; GEN Theme: Migration, Mobility, and Immobility)

Near Eastern Languages and Literatures

Arabic 2241 – Contemporary Arab Cultures. (REGD & Cultural & Historical Studies Foundations GEN)

This course explores the intersecting political, artistic, and intellectual currents and practices that have shaped contemporary Arab cultures. It is organized as a survey of different cultural phenomena in Arab societies and diasporas including: the Arabic language and its varieties, music, poetry, law, television & cinema, and more.

Arabic 2702 - Modern Arabic Literature in Translation. (GEN Citizenship Theme)

Reading and analysis of representative works of the 19th and 20th centuries; by contemporary women authors.

NELC 3201 - Muslims in America and Europe: Migration and Living Between Worlds. GE

What does it mean to live as modern Muslims in western societies? How do they cope with prejudice, Islamophobia, traditions, integration, war, migration, and new opportunities? We explore the experiences of religious minorities in the U.S. and Europe for Muslims whose families are originally from the Arab world, Iran, South Asia, Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia.

Islam 3501 - Introduction to Islam. GE

Islam 3702 - Muslims in America and Europe: Citizenship and Living Between Worlds (GEN Foundation: Social Science)

Examination of Islam as a world religion, enabling an understanding of its major tenets and beliefs as they are envisioned by insiders and outsiders.

Arabic 3702 - Place, Space, and Migration in Modern Arabic Literature and Film. (GEL Diversity: Global Studies and Literature; GEN Theme: Lived Environments)

Examines how literature and film in a variety of Arabic-speaking regions and diasporas explore different modes of mobility and belonging.


3230 - History of 17th-Century Philosophy. GE

Major figures in European philosophy in the 17th century.

3261 - Fundamental Concepts of Existentialism. GE

Key concepts of the movement: commitment, absurdity, freedom, and death, as expressed in the works of Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Kierkegaard, and others.

5261 - Phenomenology and Existentialism

Early existentialist ideas of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche; Husserl's phenomenological method and critical analysis of works of philosophers such as Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre, Beauvoir, and others.

5840 - Philosophy in Literature

Political Science

3280 - The Politics of Markets

3290 - Comparative Public Policy

This course serves as an introduction to public policy in comparative perspective; its focus is on wealthy democracies. The first part of the course explores broad theories about how and why public policy differs so dramatically across countries. The second part of the course focuses on cross-national differences across specific policy domains.

3596 - Nationalism and Ethnicity. (GEN Foundations: Social and Behavioral Sciences)

Explores socio-political identities, especially ethnicity and nationality, from a comparative perspective. Drawing upon theories from political science, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and economics, we will study the origins and characteristics of these identities, as well as their consequences for democracy, economic development, and violent conflict.

3910 - Identity Politics

Explores who controls the meaning of identity in society; examining identity from the perspective of liberal, sociological, and social psychological, structuralist, and institutionalist theories.

4210 - Politics of European Integration

A survey of the politics of European integration since the Second World War; topics include theories of political integration, institutions of the EU, its policies and decision making, common currency, and internal and external relations.

4250 - African Politics

An introductory survey of Sub-Saharan African politics from the pre-colonial period to the contemporary era. It will examine the common themes, issues, and trends that shape politics and development across forty-nine countries. Students will gain an understanding of how context shapes political behavior and how historical and political forces have influenced African politics. 

4270 - The Canadian Political System

The Canadian political system, including institutional, behavioral, socio-economic, cultural, and ideological components, often in comparison with the United States' political system.

4285 - Comparative Politics of the Welfare State

Analyzes different kinds of welfare capitalism including social, economic, and political considerations shaping welfare policy; and contemporary welfare reform as an exercise in reallocation, reorganization, and budget-cutting.

4332 - Politics of Globalization

Examines globalization's origins, impacts on human welfare, and political conflicts that arise from it, including actions of governments, multinational corporations, and the anti-globalization movement.

Courses for Italian & Italian Studies

ITALIAN 2102 - Contemporary Italian Society, Data Analysis Embedded Literacy

ITALIAN 2193 - Individual Studies

ITALIAN 2194 - Group Studies

ITALIAN 3001 - Green Italy

ITALIAN 3103 - Styles and Stylistics, Technology Embedded Literacy

ITALIAN 3194 - Group Studies

ITALIAN 3220 - Italian Culture Through the Ages

ITALIAN 3221 - Reading Italy: Italian Literature and Culture

ITALIAN 3222 - Modern Italian Media

ITALIAN 3223 - The Regions of Italy

ITALIAN 3224 - Post-Unification Italy

ITALIAN 3331 - The Languages of Italy

ITALIAN 3332 - The Sounds of Italian

ITALIAN 3570 - CLLC Radio

ITALIAN 4191 - Internship in Italy

ITALIAN 4223 - Italian Cinema

ITALIAN 4224 - Survey of Italian Literature

ITALIAN 4225 - Italian Identities, Writing Embedded Literacy

ITALIAN 4330 - Structures of the Italian Language

ITALIAN 4998 - Undergraduate Research

ITALIAN 4998H - Honors Research

ITALIAN 4999 - Undergraduate Thesis

ITALIAN 4999H - Honors Thesis

ITALIAN 5193 - Individual Studies

ITALIAN 5194 - Group Studies

ITALIAN 5331 - History of the Italian Language

ITALIAN 5797 - Study at a Foreign Institution

ITALIAN 2051 - Italian Journeys, GEL Literature, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

ITALIAN 2052 - Fictions of Italy: Modern and Contemporary Literature and Society, GEL Literature, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

ITALIAN 2053 - Introduction to Italian Cinema, GEL Visual and Performing Arts, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

ITALIAN 2055 - Mafia Movies, GEL Visual and Performing Arts, GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ITALIAN 2056 - Love on the Italian Screen, GEL Visual and Performing Arts, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts

ITALIAN 2057 - Black Italy: The Politics and History of Race in Contemporary Italy, GEN Foundations: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender

ITALIAN 3001 - Green Italy, GEN Sustainability

ITALIAN 3051 - Italian Romances, GEL Literature, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

ITALIAN 3194 - Group Studies

FRIT 3052 - Mediterranean Voyages: Migration and Travel, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies (Cross-listed with Comparative Studies)

FRIT 3053 - The Black Mediterranean, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

FRIT 3054 - The 21st-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship, GEL Diversity: Global Studies

FRIT 3061 - Mediterranean Food Culture, GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GEN Theme: Lived Environments

FRIT 3301 - Discovering Second Language Acquisition, GEN Social and Behavioral Sciences

CLLC 3301.01S and CLLC 3301.02: Global Citizen Summer Camp 

CLLC 3302: Global Citizen After School Program 

ITALIAN 3798.01 - The Italian City, GE Cultures and Ideas, GE Diversity: Global Studies

ITALIAN 3798.02 - Experience Italy

ITALIAN 3797 - Italy Abroad

ITALIAN 4401 - Language Planning and Policy in Italy Through Time

FRIT 5051 - Latin and the Romance Languages

FRIT 5061 - The Global Mediterranean

Italian 5194 – Group Studies

Italian 5890 - Italian Seminar


4400 Literary Locations (Italy)


3342: Introduction to Opera


3195 Modern Rome: The city and its architecture

History of Art

3521 Renaissance art in Italy

4301 Ancient Greece and Rome

5521 Renaissance Painting in Central Italy

2002 or permission of the instructor


3215 - Sex and Gender in the Ancient World

3213(H) - Slavery in the Ancient World

3216 - War in the Ancient Mediterranean World

3220 - The Rise of the Roman Republic

3221 - Rome from the Gracchi to Nero

3222 - The Roman Empire, 69-337 CE

3223 - The Later Roman Empire

3240 - History of the Italian Renaissance, 1250-1450

HISTORY 5211 - Special Topics in Roman History

International Studies    

4195 - Selected Problems in International Studies: Belonging in Europe  


CLAS 3101 - Greek and Roman Epic

CLAS 3102 - Greek and Roman Drama

CLAS 3104 - The Ancient Novel: Narrative Fiction in Greece and Rome

CLAS 3203 - War in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature

CLAS 3215 - Sex and Gender in the Ancient World

CLAS 3408 - Ancient Roman Religion

CLAS 4101 - Classical Receptions: Ancient Greece and Rome in the Modern World

CLAS 4201 - Political Thought and Institutions in the Greco-Roman World

CLAS 4204 - Greek and Roman Science and Technology

CLAS 4301 - Art of Ancient Greece and Rome

CLAS 5302 - Studies in Greek or Roman Topography


CLLC 3301.01S and CLLC 3301.02: Global Citizen Summer Camp 

CLLC 3302: Global Citizen After School Program 

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Students require their advisor’s permission to take courses on topics related to Italian Studies.

Graduate Courses

FRIT 5051 - Latin and the Romance Languages

FRIT 5061 - The Global Mediterranean

FRIT 7600 - Teaching World Languages at the College Level

FRIT 7601 - Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory

FRIT 8302 - Issues in Second Language Studies

FRIT 8601 - Theory and Practice

FRIT 8602 - Comparative French and Italian Studies

FRIT 8899 - Dissertation Workshop

FRENCH 5104 - Medieval French

FRENCH 5105 - Medieval Occitan

FRENCH 5201 - Gothic to Renaissance: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5202 - Versailles to the Enlightenment: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5203 - Romanticism to Surrealism: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5204 - World Wars and Beyond: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5205 - Black Africa and Diaspora: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5206 - North Africa: Texts and Contexts

FRENCH 5401 - Louis XIV to World War I

FRENCH 5403 - Topics in French-Speaking Cultures and Literatures

FRENCH 5601 - French Center of Excellence Colloquium

FRENCH 5701 - Topics in French and Francophone Cinema

FRENCH 5702 - Studies in French Cinema

FRENCH 5797 - Advanced and Graduate Study at a Foreign Institution

FRENCH 6193 - Graduate Independent Study

FRENCH 6194 - Graduate Group Studies

FRENCH 6571 - French Reading for Research I

FRENCH 6999 - Master's Thesis

FRENCH 8193 - Advanced Graduate Individual Studies

FRENCH 8194 - Advanced Graduate Group Studies

FRENCH 8202 - Classical and Enlightenment Studies

FRENCH 8204 - Francophone Studies

FRENCH 8205 - French and Francophone Studies Across Boundaries

FRENCH 8998 - Pre-Candidacy Research

FRENCH 8999 - Dissertation Research

ITALIAN 5101 - Intensive Italian

ITALIAN 5193 - Individual Studies

ITALIAN 5194 - Group Studies

ITALIAN 5331 - History of the Italian Language

ITALIAN 5797 - Study at a Foreign Institution

ITALIAN 6193 - Graduate Independent Studies

ITALIAN 6194 - Graduate Group Studies

ITALIAN 8193 - Individual Studies

ITALIAN 8194 - Graduate Group Studies

ITALIAN 8221 - Studies in Italian Literature: Author

ITALIAN 8222 - Studies in Italian Literature: Genre

ITALIAN 8223 - Studies In Italian Literature: Theme

ITALIAN 8231 - Dante Studies

ITALIAN 8233 - Boccaccio and the Art of the Short Story

ITALIAN 8242 - Studies in Italian Culture: Gender and Genre

ITALIAN 8243 - Studies in Italian Cinema

ITALIAN 8244 - Studies in Italian Culture: Italy at War

ITALIAN 8245 - Italian Pop Culture

ITALIAN 8246 - Studies in Italian Culture: Migrating Italy

ITALIAN 8303 - Teaching Apprenticeship

ITALIAN 8881 - Interdepartmental Studies in the Humanities

ITALIAN 8998 - Pre-Candidacy Research

ITALIAN 8999 - Dissertation Research