Free tutoring and extra conversation practice is available to students currently enrolled in our French and Italian courses. Instructions and schedules are available below.
These service are available beginning with the second week of the semester and until the last day of regularly scheduled classes.
If you are interested in a private tutor, please email your contact information with a brief description of the request to FRIT.
French Graduate Teaching Associates and our Rennes Lecturer will be available during the week for tutoring or conversation practice. For Spring 2024, we are offering in-person and online options for both types of support. In-person sessions are held at a reserved table in the Crane Café in Hagerty Hall. On-line sessions are held via Teams (Microsoft 365 OSU login required) and a link will be emailed to you once you sign up. Sessions are divided into 15-minute slots. You need to sign up beforehand for both here: French Tutoring and Café+. You can schedule an appointment up to two weeks in advance and must schedule at least an hour ahead time. You may stop in at Crane Café to check if tutor is available, however priority will be given to those who have signed up ahead of time.
1. Go to French Tutoring and Café+.
2. Select French tutoring or Café+, in person or online options.
3. Sign up for a time slot.
Below are the schedules for both Tutoring and Café+.
Tutoring and Café+ Schedule Spring 2025
(first 2 weeks of semester, all appointments are online)

What is Café Plus?
FREE conversation table IN FRENCH for OSU students and interested public. Café + is an inter-level French conversation table sponsored and led by FIGSA (French and Italian Graduate Student Association).
Café+ Guidelines
Café + is designed especially for students taking 1000- to 3000-level courses in French, but other students are always welcome. Students in French 1101.01, 1102.01, 1103.01, and 1155.01 (but not those enrolled in .51 or .61 sections) may earn extra credit by attending.
What is required for participation?
Readiness to engage in conversations IN FRENCH. No necessary minimum level of ability; only an expectation of good-faith participatory efforts.
What is expected of participants?
Ask questions, bring up topics that interest you, let the facilitator know if you need help. We also expect that you will make mistakes when you speak; that’s totally fine! Also, of course, please always treat the facilitator and anyone else present with consideration and RESPECT.
What can participants expect at Café Plus?
Games, jokes, conversation, maybe even making friends – and all IN FRENCH! This is a safe space for you to practice and improve your French. You will not receive a grade or be evaluated; all you have to do is make an honest effort to participate at your level.
Make a 15-minute appointment on the Acuity scheduling system by copying and pasting the following link to your browser: https://iilc.as.me/
The Acuity system doesn’t show names, so check carefully days and times of the specific instructor on the schedule below)
- Italian 1101, 1102, 1103: The FIRST required meeting must be with your instructor
- Italian 1101, 1102, 1103: The SECOND required meeting can be with any instructor
- Tutoring and conversation sessions can be with any instructor
- There is no extra credit for tutoring
- Only one session per day is allowed (don’t overbook)
- If you need to cancel your appointment, send an email to inform the instructor or cancel it on Acuity
•Online sessions will take place on Zoom, you need a video-camera and a microphone. On the day and time of your scheduled appointment join the online meeting by copying and pasting the INSTRUCTOR’S CORRESPONDING ZOOM link (below) to a computer or smartphone.
In-person sessions (as indicated)
Spring 2025 Schedule
IN-PERSON Sessions in Hagerty Hall
- Monday
- 3:00pm-4:00pm with Yongnan Zhang in Hagerty Hall 208
- Tuesday
- 1:45pm-2:45pm with Mauro Cazzolla in Hagerty Hall 308
- 4:00pm-5:00pm with Qian Liu in Hagerty Hall 216
- Thursday
- 12:45pm-1:45pm with April Weintritt in Crane Cafe
- 4:30pm-5:30pm with Ohio State Italian Club in Crane Cafe
- Friday
- 11:15am-12:15pm with Chris Hope in Hagerty Hall 208
- 2:30pm-3:30pm with Rosa Di Grottole in Hagerty Hall 220
ONLINE Sessions via Zoom
- Tuesday
- 11:00am-12:00pm with Samanta Buffa via Zoom (password: ITALIA)
- Thursday
- 11:30am-12:30pm with Rosa Di Grottole via Zoom (password: FLORENCE)
- Friday
- 10:30am-11:30am with Kristin Chertoff via Zoom