Reach out to Matt Lang with questions re: academic policy, scheduling, student advising, assessments, & administration.
Reach out to TBD with questions re: pay & HR/operations policy.
Reach out to Gary Hayward with questions re: Workday, purchasing, ordering, and travel.
Administrative Links
Department Leadership
Department Chair - Sarah-Grace Heller.64
Director of Undergraduate Studies - Jennifer Willging.1
Director of Graduate Studies - Benjamin Hoffmann.312 (Jonathan Mullins.429 AU24 interim)
French Basic-Language Director - Wynne Wong.240
French Basic-Language Assistant Director - Adela Lechintan-Siefer.1 (Interim)
Italian Basic-Language Director - April Weintritt.1
Italian Basic-Language Assistant Director - Rosa DiGrottole.1
French Center of Excellence Director - Benjamin Hoffmann.312
Senior Academic Coordinator - Matt Lang.650
Business Operations Manager - TBD
Financial Operations Senior Coordinator - Gary Hayward.13
Council of Graduate Studies Representative - Michela Bertossa.1
Advising & Service Roles
ASC Senator - Jonathan Mullins.429 (2023-2027) / Benjamin Hoffmann.312 (alternate)
Teaching Schedules - French: Jennifer Willging.1 & Wynne Wong.240 / Italian: Jonathan Combs-Schilling.1 & April Weintritt.1
Assessment Coordinator - Adela Lechintan-Siefer.1
Faculty Honors Major Mentors - French: Jennifer Willging.1 / Italian: April Weintritt.1
Faculty Major Mentors - French: Sarah-Grace Heller.64 & Benjamin Hoffmann.312 / Italian: April Weintritt.1 & Giuliano Migliori.2
Romance Studies Major Mentors - French (as primary language): Jennifer Willging.1 / Italian (as primary language): Jonathan Combs-Schilling.1
ASC Major & Minor Advisor - Andy Spencer.4
Minor Mentors - French: Gloria Torrini-Roblin.1 / Italian: April Weintritt.1
Distance Learning Director - French: Wynne Wong.240 / Italian: April Weintritt.1
Distance Learning Assistant Director - French: Kate Schlosser.73 (Interim)
French 1102 & 1155 Coordinator - Anne Mutidjo.1
French 1103 Coordinator - Kate Schlosser.73
UG Club Advisors - French: Adela Lechintan-Siefer.1 / Italian: Giuliano Migliori.2
Transfer/Study Abroad Credit Evaluators - French: Kelly Campbell.796 / Italian: April Weintritt.1
Italian Government Liaison & Grant Writing - Giuliano Migliori.2
Graduate Proficiency Exam Evaluator - French: Mauro Cazzolla.1 / Italian: Jonathan Combs-Schilling.1
French & Italian Graduate Student Association (FIGSA) Leadership
President - Holly Engel.210
Vice President - Michela Bertossa.1
Secretary - Chris Hope.96
Treasurer - Yongnan Zhang.14241
Annual Review Sub-Committee & Tenure Sub-Committee
Wynne Wong.240 - Chair
Jonathan Combs-Schilling.1
Benjamin Hoffmann.312 (SP25)
Jennifer Willging.1 (AU24)
Salary Advisory Committee
Jonathan Combs-Schilling.1
Jennifer Willging.1
Wynne Wong.240
Associated Faculty Committee
Janice Aski.1 - Co-Chair (AU24-SP27)
Adela Lechintan-Siefer.1 - Co-Chair (AU22-SP25)
Pauline Remy.79 - Associated Faculty Representative
Christiana Whitesel.23 - Staff Representative
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Jennifer Willging.1 - Chair (2022-2025)
Combs-Schilling.1 (2024-2027)
Adela Lechintan-Siefer.1 (assessment; 2023-2026)
Matt Lang.650 - Staff Representative
TBD - UG Representative
Graduate Studies Committee
Benjamin Hoffmann.312 - Chair (2022-2025)
Jonathan Mullins.429 (AU24 Interim Chair; 2023-2026)
Qian Liu.12199
Matt Lang.650 - Staff Representative
Michela Bertossa.1 - GA Representative
DEI & Engagement Committee
April Weintritt.1 - Chair (2024-2027)
Ryan Joyce.289
Qian Liu.12199
Giuliano Migliori.2
Anne Mutidjo.1
Kate Schlosser.73
Matt Lang.650 - Staff Representative
Demetrio Antolini.4 - GA Representative
Ad-hoc: Global France Faculty Search Committee
Luille Toth.297 - Chair
Wynne Wong.240
Janice Aski.1 - POD
Department Meetings Schedule
- AD: meetings for all members of FRIT
- TT: meetings for tenure-track faculty only
- FSR: meetings for faculty, staff, and representatives
AY25 representatives:
- Associated Faculty: Pauline Remy.79
- Graduate Associates: Samanta Buffa.6
- Staff: Matt Lang.650
Autumn 2024
- August 26, 9:00am-1:00pm - Faculty retreat
- August 29, 5:00pm-6:00pm - Fall reception (HH200)
- September 16, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- October 7, 9:30am-11:00am - FSR meeting
- October 28, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- November 18, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- December 12, 5:00pm - Department holiday gathering (details TBD)
Spring 2025
- January 13, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- February 17, 9:00am-11:00am - FSR meeting
- March 3, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- March 24, 9:30am-11:00am - TT meeting for P&T
- March 31, 9:00am-11:00am - TT meeting for GTA review
- April 14, 9:30am-11:00am - AD meeting
- May 3, 11:00am - Graduation reception (details TBD)
Promotion, Tenure, & Annual Review Dates
- February 1: Annual updates for calendar year 2024 due to Christiana Whitesel.23 (TT faculty)
- March 3: Associate Professors wishing to be put forward for promotion must notify Department Chair and submit annual update with a CV, all publications since last promotion (or from previous 5 years), and all SEIs/SETs since last promotion (or from previous 5 years)
- May 23: Associated Faculty annual updates (AY25) due to Christiana Whitesel.23
- Meetings will be held in 206 Hagerty Hall (unless otherwise indicated). You are urged to attend in person. If circumstances prevent that, you may also join via Zoom. Links will be sent out with agenda the Friday before the meeting. For security, log in with Ohio State username and password. Meetings will not be recorded.
- Some meetings may end early or be cancelled depending upon the number and urgency of discussions to be had. It is also possible an additional “emergency” meeting may need to be called for tenure-track faculty members and representatives if the College or University demands an important decision from the Department at some point during the year (although this is rare); in such a case, we will just do our best to obtain a quorum.
- “All-FRIT - AD”: these meetings open to all members of FRIT. They are mandatory for tenure-track faculty, staff, associated faculty, and graduate student representatives. Optional for everyone else. All are welcome.
- Some meetings are for tenure-track (TT) faculty members, staff, and the representatives of the associated faculty & graduate students only. If there are sensitive agenda items to be discussed by tenure-track faculty only, they will be reserved for the latter part of the meeting so the others may be free to leave early. Any pertinent information discussed that can be shared with other members of the Department will be, via the representatives.
Associated Faculty Award
Associated Faculty in The Department of French and Italian who have had a paper accepted at a professional conference, who have a research or professional development project that requires travel, or who have job interviews at the annual MLA Convention may apply for a Departmental Travel Award of up to $1,500. To apply, send a brief letter describing the paper, development opportunity, or project, a copy of the letter of acceptance or invitation, and an estimated budget (travel, lodging, and transportation) to the current department chair. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year until the funds have been exhausted.
Tenure-track Faculty Travel Funding
Tenure-track faculty in French and Italian may apply for up to $2500 per academic year for research-related travel (conference presentations, archival work, etc.). Please e-mail the department chair a brief description of the conference or project, an acceptance or invitation e-mail if pertinent, and a rough budget. For additional funding of up to $2000 for conferences, research, creative work, etc., see the A&H Small Grants Program.