Beginning French II: Individualized DL

FRENCH 1102.61: Beginning French II: Individualized DL

Continued individualized study of French via distance learning; development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills; readings based on contemporary French culture and literature. Taught in French.

Prereq: 1101.01, 1101.21, or 4 cr hrs of 1101.51 or 1101.61, or French Placement Level 8. Not open to students with credit for 1102.01, 1102.21, or 4 cr hrs of 1102.51 or 1102.61. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 completions or 4 cr hrs. This course is available for EM credit. GE for lang course. GE world languages course.
Credit Hours

This course is not open to students beginning the French basic-language sequence. Students interested in DL, asynchronous French should enroll in the corresponding .21 section.

Semester(s) Offered:


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