February 13, 2019
All Day
Multipe (see below)
February 14, 2019
All Day
Multipe (see below)
February 15, 2019
All Day
Multipe (see below)
Join us for a series of events and discussions on transnationalism, migration, and colonialism with Dr. Teresa Fiore, Prof. of Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University.
Wednesday, 2/13
Class Visit "Italian Transnational Cinema"
2:20-5:00 pm, Italian 8243, professor Luca Peretti (for class students only/not open to the public)
Screening with the Global Mediterranean Working Group
6.30 pm, Screening of Nuovomondo (The Golden Door, Crialese, 2006) with the Global Mediterranean Working Group. Dr. Fiore will introduce the film. Pizza and refreshments will follow. Page Hall 020
Thursday, 2/14
Graduate student lunch
12.30 pm, RSVP to Luca Peretti or Eleanor Paynter
Public lecture and reception, "Italy in the Transnational Space of Migration and Colonial Routes," with respondents Prof. Dorothy Noyes and Prof. Dana Renga
5.00 pm, Mendenhall Lab 100.
Friday, 2/15
Class visit, “Modern Arabic Literature in Translation”
9:35 - 10:55 am, professor Johanna Sellman (for class students only/not open to the public)
Lunch (12.45) and workshop (starting 1.30) with the Migration Studies Working Group, on “Transnational Cities: Reading Spaces as Texts of Mobility”
12.45 pm, RSVP for lunch/workshop to migrationstudiesworkinggroup@gmail.com. Research Commons.
Conversation with the Italian and Italian American communities of Columbus
5.30 pm, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 720 Hamlet Street, Columbus
Teresa Fiore is the Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University. The recipient of several fellowships (Fulbright, De Bosis, Rockefeller) and holder of visiting positions at Harvard, NYU, and Rutgers, she is the author of Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy's Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies (2017, recipient of 2018 AAIS Prize and 2019 MLA Marraro Honorable Mention) and the co-editor of the section “Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean ‘Migrant Crisis’” in the Journal of Modern Italian Studies (2018). Her numerous articles on migration to/from Italy linked to 20th- and 21st-century Italian literature and cinema have appeared in Italian, English and Spanish in both journals (Bollettino d’italianistica; Annali d’Italianistica; Studi italiani; El hilo de la fabula; Diaspora; Zibaldone; Journal of Italian Media and Cinema Studies) and edited volumes (Postcolonial Italy; Teaching Italian American Literature, Film, and Popular Culture; The Cultures of Italian Migration; The Routledge History of Italian Americans; and New Italian Migrations to the United States, Vol. 2). On campus, she coordinates programs on Italy’s transnational culture. montclair.edu/inserra-chair
Sponsored by the Migration, Mobility, and Immobility Discovery Theme; the Department of French and Italian; the Department of Comparative Studies; the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures; the Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; the Migration Studies Working Group; and the Global Mediterranean Working Group. Please address any questions to peretti.3@osu.edu or paynter.42@osu.edu.