Amelia Gulick Receives Huntington Fellowship

May 20, 2016

Amelia Gulick Receives Huntington Fellowship

Amelia Gulick

Congratulations to student of French, Amelia Gulick, who recently received the Huntington Fellowship!


The Huntington International Fellowships are intended to permit students majoring in the humanities with interest and supporting work in international business and trade to spend an extended time abroad to enhance their fluency in the foreign language, their knowledge of the foreign culture, and their understanding of the workings and environment of international commerce.

Amelia, what study abroad program are you going on?

I am studying at Laval University in Quebec City this summer.

Why did you decide to study business and French together?

I came to Ohio State with an undeclared major and a desire to learn a lot. Science and communication were always at the forefront of the criteria driving my exploration because I ultimately want a career that incorporates both, but the only thing I was sure of was pursuing a minor in French. The structure of a business degree, it's clear-cut career path, was really appealing to me, but after a couple semesters as a major, I really missed the critical thinking and problem solving of science courses, especially chemistry. At the same time, my love for the French language and culture only grew as I dove deeper into the upper level courses. I couldn't study chemistry while majoring in business -- there just wasn't enough time left outside of the required curriculum -- and I was sincerely more passionate about my French and chemistry classes than the business ones. So, I switched gears: a major in French allows me to really delve into the language I've grown to love and leaves time to pursue minors in chemistry and business. I'm exploring the world I live in, challenging my opinions and views, learning to problem-solve and think critically, and am doing so by studying subjects that really appeal to me, even if they are three very different disciplines.

Best of luck in your studies, Amelia!