Welcome to Autumn! Summer begins to feel long ago… but fall is a time to reap the benefits of summer endeavors. Myself, this summer I had the chance to return to France to see many beloved people with my family, including several foreign exchange students. With my French “brother” from our high school study abroad exchange in 1987-1988, we visited the painter Claude Monet’s home at Giverny on a perfect day. The intense light of mid-day July was mitigated by just the right number of clouds. Our fellow tourists were few enough that we could pause to examine dozens of dahlia varieties up close. A hundred other flowers were in bloom. As the leaves begin to turn, a famous quote from Albert Camus’ letter “Return to Tipasa” comes to mind: “Au milieu de l'hiver, j'apprenais enfin qu'il y avait en moi un été invincible” (In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer, Noces, 1959). Amid grey of the rainy season in Europe, thoughts of a warm, colorful day in Algeria where he was raised vanquished his melancholy. Check out our spotlights on two students who have just returned from transformative study abroad programs. My exchanges were life-changing and remain woven into the fabric of my life. Thanks to our donors who help students go on these programs! If you are interested in donating to our Department's goals, research, and experiences, you can do so here.
In this edition of our Frontiere newsletter, I invite you to read about three exciting graduate student projects, two of which were financed by gifts in memory of two of our former professors, medievalist Eleanor Webster Bulatkin-Pardo (1913-1998) and Pierre Astier, who received the Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1972. Gifts such as these can make a big difference for students. We are always looking for ways to support them as they represent the future of French and Italian education and research in Ohio and the world. Autumn is graduate recruitment season. If you know a good potential applicant, let us know! More information is available on our admissions and application webpages.
Meet our new Transnational Italian Assistant Professor Qian (AKA Mauro) Liu and the three new French lecturers we welcome this fall. Each brings exciting experience and ideas to shape the future of the department.
With OSU’s largest number of first-year students on record, our introductory language courses are full to bursting! Continue to spread the word about the direct and indirect skills that studying language and culture bring: the way it opens minds, invites cultural sensitivity extending not only to travel but to interacting with colleagues in a workplace environment, a doubly-strong set of communication skills, and the psychological experience brought about by analyzing texts and media depicting the lives and struggles of others. Today’s families are often looking to gain “job skills” in college. We offer many, as well as smaller classes and close relationships with mentors in a big university.
Vive le français, avanti con l’italiano!