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Love, Food and Music: Why Italian is Mow the World's Fourth Most Studied Language

October 31, 2016

Love, Food and Music: Why Italian is Mow the World's Fourth Most Studied Language

Florence. Photo credit by: Ghost of Kuji via Flickr

Italian is growing in popularity as a foreign language around the world - but why the appeal? We asked our readers, whose reasons for learning the language ranged from family old and new to an appreciation of the food and culture - as well as some more unexpected factors.

Italian has leapt to fourth place in terms of the most-studied languages worldwide. The number of foreigners studying it has risen to 2,233,373 in the 2015/16 academic year - up from 1,700,000 the previous year.

The figures, released by the General Assembly of the Italian Language in the World, revealed student numbers saw a particular increase in France and Germany but also further afield, in Australia and the USA...Continue Reading

Did you learn it for the people.. or for the food? Photo credit by Pexels