Massarah Mikati Receives 19th Annual Jack G. Shaheen Mass Communications Award

October 24, 2016

Massarah Mikati Receives 19th Annual Jack G. Shaheen Mass Communications Award

Massarah Mikati

Massarah Mikati is a fourth-year honors student at The Ohio State University, triple majoring in journalism, Middle East studies and Francophone studies. The daughter of Lebanese immigrants, Massarah has been aspiring to be a magazine writer specializing in the Middle East since she was 13, and has since written for Deseret News National, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 1870 Magazine, and The Lantern. She will be in France for the remainder of 2016 conducting field research for her honors thesis on how the November 13, 2015 Paris attacks impacted the lives and identities of French-Maghreb Muslims.

The purpose of the annual Jack Shaheen Awards is to honor Arab-American’s who excel in media studies, including journalism, radio, television, and/or film.

Congratulations, Massarah!

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