SLRF Conference at OSU in 2017

December 12, 2016

SLRF Conference at OSU in 2017

The Ohio State University - The Oval

A warm congratulations to Professors Wynne Wong (FRIT), Glenn Martinez (SPPO and the CLLC), and Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm (Germanic) for winning a $17,980 Larger Grant from the College of Arts & Sciences to support the Second Language Research Forum, which will be held at Ohio State next September. Congratulations also to FRIT graduate students Laurène Glimois and Stephanie Garvelink, along with Hope Wilson (Slavic) and Kathrin Frenzel (German), for their proposal, which won the bid to bring the conference to campus. This is very exciting for FRIT and for all our language departments.

Now that the conference will be at Ohio State, we will be soliciting student volunteers from different departments to help run this conference. Stay tuned for more information next semester.