Summer 2024 Course Offerings

The most up-to-date list of course offerings is always available via View Schedule of Classes on BuckeyeLink.

GE Courses

French 2803.01 - Paris

FR2803 - SP24
Dr. Ryan Joyce, 6-week session 2, TR 1:00-2:10 PM, ONLINE

GEL Cultures and Ideas, GEN Theme: Lived Environments.

What was the city of Paris like in 1789, and how have its geography and society evolved over the last two centuries? By reading and viewing representations of Paris in a variety of media (maps, paintings, photographs, films, and literary and historical texts), we will explore both how the city’s landscape has shaped its society and how its increasingly diverse society has in turn shaped and transformed its landscape to suit Parisians’ evolving needs, desires, and caprices. Each unit will treat representations of a specific event or era in Parisian history that had a significant impact on the city’s organization, architecture, and/or demography, and together the units will give us a general understanding of Parisian history over the last 230 years and of the multiple ways in which that history has been represented, and thus manipulated for various purposes.

Italian 2056 - Love and Difference on the Italian Screen

Professor Jonathan Mullins, 4-week session 3, MWF 2:20pm-4:10pm, ONLINE 

*This class is fully online. Distance synchronous MWF 11:25 am - 1:15 pm with asynchronous components.

GEL Diversity: Global Studies, GE Foundation: Literary, Visual & Performing Arts, GE Foundation: Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity. Taught in English. 

Love has long been a theme that has dominated Italian film and television. But how have such representations of love been conditioned by questions of identity including race, gender, sexuality and ethnicity? This course explores this question through representations of eros, romance and friendship in a variety of moving images. We will engage with silent film that looks at what it means to be a Southern Italian woman (Assunta Spina) to more recent film on cross-cultural friendship between migrants in Shun Li and the Poet, ands interracial romance in Summertime. We study how the theme of love condenses a variety of concerns and anxieties about racial, gender, sexual and ethnic identity, with attention to how these forms of identity emerge in the context of 20th and 21st century Italy. Students will reflect on what it means to study such forms of identity in the Italian context, and also on their own experiences and biases that they bring to the study of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality as students in Ohio. 

Never study cinema before? No worries. A crucial component of the course will be dedicated to studying the aesthetics of narrative cinema, and also understanding it as a complex industrial product with its own systems of production and reception. 

Introductory Language Courses

French 1101.21, 1102.21, 1103.21 - Beginning French II and III Distance Learning

Woman holding French flag and looking at laptop
French 1101.21 – 6-week session 1, TWRF 10:20am-12:25pm, ONLINE Synchronous
French 1101.21 – 8-week session 2, ONLINE Asynchronous
French 1102.21 – 6-week session 1, TWRF 10:20am-12:25pm, ONLINE
French 1103.21 – 6-week session 1, TWRF 10:20am-11:15am, ONLINE

These are distance learning versions of the classroom course for French II and III. The course will be comprised of both synchronous and asynchronous elements and will take place online. The course will follow a flipped model in that you will do you learning through MindTap, the digital learning tool associated with your course textbook, Liaisons. During scheduled class time, you will participate in written discussion forums, group video recordings, conversation groups, and complete exams. In this course, you will learn the same material that you would in the classroom version, and you will be ready to move on to the next course in the sequence. 

French 1101.61, 1102.61, 1103.61 - Beginning French I, II, and III Individualized Instruction Distance Learning 

Man with glasses looking at a laptop with a French flag in the background.
French 1101.61 - 8-week session 2, ONLINE
French 1102.61 - 8-week session 2, ONLINE
French 1103.61 - 8-week session 2, ONLINE

This is the online Individualized Instruction version of French I, II, and III. French Individualized Instruction is a self-paced, mastery-based program that is designed to mirror the courses offered in the classroom. Both Individualized Instruction and the classroom track aim to help students achieve a certain level of proficiency. Individualized Instruction offers flexible credit, flexible meeting times, one-on-one instruction, and student autonomy. 

French 2101.61 - Introduction to French and Francophone Studies Individualized Distance Learning

Man thinking in French
French 2101.61 - 8-week session 2, ONLINE 

Techniques for reading and interpreting different types of texts from the French-speaking world: stories, poetry, plays, films, music, and ads while building vocabulary, comprehension, speaking and writing skills.

French 3103 - French Conversation 

Students talking
Dr. Darrell Estes, 6-week session 2, MWF 12:30-2:30 pm, ONLINE

French 3103 is a course designed to improve students’ conversational French abilities on a wide variety of topics. Using various media (e.g., podcasts, music, video, print, and digital media), students will converse one-on-one and in groups on a variety of topics important in French and Francophone cultures (current events, heritage/history, the arts, broadcast and cinematic media, literature, etc.). 

The purpose of this course is for students to develop their conversational abilities through active listening and reading using the above-mentioned media, as well as speaking. Through a combination of listening, reading, and speaking, conversational ability will honed and fluency developed. Likewise, the purpose of this course is not to develop the “correct” accent. The Francophone world is composed of a wide variety of accents, all of which are valid, and all of which we will experience throughout this course. 

This course is not open to those students who are native speakers or who have already developed near-native conversational abilities in French.

Italian 1101.71, 1102.71, 1103.71 - Beginning Italian I, II, and III Online

Woman teaching an Italian class to online students.
Italian 1101.71 - 8-week session 1, MW 9:00-10:15 am, ONLINE
Italian 1101.71 - 8-week session 1, TR 1:00-2:15 pm, ONLINE
Italian 1102.71 - 8-week session 1, MW 10:30-11:45 am, ONLINE
Italian 1102.71 - 8-week session 1, TR 2:30-3:45 pm, ONLINE
Italian 1103.71 - 8-week session 1, MW 1:00-2:15 pm, ONLINE
Italian 1103.71 - 8-week session 1, TR 9:00-10:15 am, ONLINE 

Italian 1101.71, 1102.71 and 1103.71 are online alternatives to the classroom versions of the courses. Students will meet online twice a week for one hour. Regular activities such as conversations, online workbook exercises, writing assignments and online quizzes are part of the program.

Graduate Courses

French 6571 - French Reading for Research

Woman reading among book shelves.
Darrell Estes, 6-week session 1, MWF 12:40-2:45 PM, Online 

Designed primarily for students who have no formal preparation in French; covers basic grammar and vocabulary and develops students' reading skills. Credit does not apply to the minimum number of hours required for the master's or doctoral degrees.

Prereq: Grad standing.