Philip Armstrong

Philip Armstrong

Philip Armstrong

Associate Professor of Comparative Studies

424 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Political Theory
  • Visual Culture


  • Ph.D., History of Art, University of California, Los Angeles

Associate Professor Philip Armstrong has published widely in the area of contemporary visual arts and culture, as well as essays on contemporary political theory. Recent publications include Reticulations: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Networks of the Political (U of Minnesota P, 2009),Jean-Luc Nancy, Politique et au-delà: Entretien  with Jason Smith (Galilée, 2011), and (with Laura Lisbon and Stephen Melville) As Painting: Division and Displacement (MIT Press and Wexner Center, 2001).

Collaborative Research Projects

with Franco Barchiesi, Mat Coleman, Shannon Winnubst, “Precarity and Social Contract” Working Group, Institute for Collaborative Research and Public Humanities, OSU (2012-14)

with Lisa Florman and Laura Lisbon, “The Emergence of the Tableau,” Research and Creative Activity in the Arts and Humanities Grant, OSU (2012-14)

Books, Edited Books and Journals

with Jean-Luc Nancy and Jason Smith, La politique et au-delà: Entretien avec Philip Armstrong et Jason E. Smith (Galilée, 2011). Translation forthcoming in Diacritics

Reticulations: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Networks of the Political (University of Minnesota Press, 2009)

with Nina Berman, Kimani Njogu, and Mbugua Wa-Mungai, eds., “Disability, Culture and Human Rights: The Nairobi Workshop,” Disability Studies Quarterly 29, 4 (Fall 2009)

with Stephen Melville and Erica Naginski, eds., Res 46 (Autumn 2004), (issue on “Polemical Objects”)

with Laura Lisbon and Stephen Melville, As Painting: Division and Displacement (MIT Press and Wexner Center for the Arts, 2001)

with Laura Lisbon and Stephen Melville, eds., La Part de l'Oeil 17/18 (2001) (Dossier: “Peinture pratique théorique”)

with Kelly Dennis and Brad Macdonald, eds., Strategies 3 (1990) (Issue on “In the City")

Selected Articles

“Networks–Trames–Redes” in Orígenes (com)partidos: el arte, la tecnología, y lo politico, ed. Maria Konta (forthcoming).

“(Im)possibilities: Painting Between Lyotard and Lacoue-Labarthe,” in French Theory: Réception dans les arts visuels aux États-Unis entre 1965 et 1995 (forthcoming)

“L’abandon et l’‘être-avec’: Derrida, un Français d’Algérie,” in Danielle Cohen-Levinas and Ginette Michaud, eds., Appels de Jacques Derrida (Éditions Hermann) (forthcoming)

"In Fraternity’s Wake: Nancy, Derrida, and Algerian Independence" in “Worlds of Jean-Luc Nancy,” eds. Irving Goh and Timothy Murray, Diacritics (forthcoming)

“From Precarity to Abandonment” in The Praxis of Sense: On Jean-Luc Nancy and the Political, ed. Sanja Dejanovic (forthcoming)

Co-authored with Ginette Michaud, “Jean-Luc Nancy,” The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012), extended version on-line at:

“Obligations impossibles,” in Déplacer, déplier, découvrir: La peinture en actes 1960/1999 (LaM-Lille Métropole Musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art brut, 2012) 30-39.

“‘The Murky Point of Modern Thought’: Some Contexts for Nancy’s Writings on Space)," MonoKL 10 (Special Issue on “Jean-Luc Nancy”) (Spring 2011) 324-342. (English version forthcoming)

“Entre détresse et dénouement/Between Distress and Denouement,” trans Marine van Hoof inFrançois Rouan: Découpe/Modèle 1965-2009 (Éditions Liénart and Galerie Jean Fournier, 2011) 23-44.

“From Appearance to Exposure,” in “Jean-Luc Nancy and the Sense of the Visual,” ed. Louis Kaplan and John Paul Ricco, Journal of Visual Culture 9:1 (2010) 11-27.

“Beyond (Human) Rights?” in “Disability, Culture and Human Rights: The Nairobi Workshop,” eds. Philip Armstrong, Nina Berman, Kimani Njogu, Mbugua Wa-Mungai, Disability Studies Quarterly 29, 4 (Fall 2009)

“Filets,” La Part de l’Oeil (issue on “Ouvrir le support”) 20 (2005) 216-231.

 “¿Una epistemologia de los Estudios visuales?  Recepciones de Deleuze y Guattari,” in ed. José Luis Brea, Estudios visuales: La epistemologia de la visualidad en la era de la globalización (Akal, 2005) 115-130.

“Rodchenko’s Monochromes and the Perfection of Painting,” RES 46 (Autumn 2004): 173-    184.

 “Série(s) et apories: La peinture après le minimalism," La Part de l'Oeil 17/18 (2001): 11-35.

"Introduction" to Christian Bonnefoi, Ecrits sur l'art 1974-1984 (Brussels: La Part de L'Oeil, 1997), pp. 5-24.


Jean-Luc Nancy, The Pleasure in Drawing (Fordham University Press, 2013)