Frank T. Coulson
Professor of Classics, Director of Palaeography
414 University Hall
230 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH
Areas of Expertise
- Ovid
- Classical Reception
- Palaeography
- B.A., Toronto, 1975
- M.A., Toronto, 1977
- Ph.D., Toronto, 1982
Personal Statement
At mihi contingat Veneris languescere motu, cum moriar, medium soluar et inter opus; atque aliquis nostro lacrimans in funere dicat 'conueniens uitae mors fuit ista tuae' (Am. 2.10.35-39)
The Vulgate Commentary: Book One. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, forthcoming 2010.

"The Catena Commentary and its Renaissance Progeny," Manuscripta 54 (2010) 153-170.
"The Manuscripts of the 'Vulgate' Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Checklist," Scriptorium 39 (1985) 118-129.
"Manuscript Research: Running the Gauntlet and Surviving," Classical Journal 81 (1985) 59-64.
"New Evidence for the Circulation of the Text of Valerius Flaccus?" Classical Philology 81 (1986) 58-60.
"New Manuscript Evidence for Sources of the Accessus of Arnoul d'Orleans to the Metamorphosesof Ovid," Manuscripta 30 (1986) 103-107.
"Pierpont Morgan Library MS. M. 938: A Newly Discovered Copy of Giovanni del Virgilio's Prose Paraphrase of the Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 40 (1986) 255-256.
"Hitherto Unedited Medieval and Renaissance Lives of Ovid (I)" Mediaeval Studies 49 (1987) 152-207.
"The Manuscripts of the 'Vulgate' Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: Addendum," Scriptorium41 (1987) 263-264.
"An Update to Munari's Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Ovid's Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 42 (1988) 111-112.
"The Citing of Manuscript Shelfmarks: A Modest Proposal," Classical World 82 (1988) 31-34.
"The Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses " in "Ovid in Medieval Culture," ed. Marilynn Desmond, Mediaevalia (1987) 29-61.
"Seneca's Troades 1109-1110," Classical Quarterly 39 (1989) 565-566.
"New Manuscripts of the Medieval Interpretations of Ovid's Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 44 (1990) 272-275.
(with Linda C. Jones), "A Newly Acquired Manuscript of Alan of Lille's De planctu naturae in the Ohio State Library," Scriptorium 45 (1991) 84-88.
(with Urania Toptsi), "Vaticanus latinus 2877: A Hitherto Unedited Allegorization of Ovid's Metamorphoses," The Journal of Medieval Latin 2 (1992) 1-61.
"Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Ovid's Metamorphoses in the Libraries of Milan and Florence," Scriptorium 46 (1992) 285-288.
(with Krzysztof Nawotka), "The Rediscovery of Arnulf of Orleans' glosses to Ovid's Creation Myth," Classica et Mediaevalia 44 ( 1993) 267-299.
"Newly Identified Manuscripts containing the Summa Memorialis on the Metamorphoses by Orico de Capriana," Studi Medievali 35 (1994) 817-822.
"A Bibliographical Update (with corrigenda minora) to Munari's Catalogues of the Manuscripts of the Metamorphoses," Manuscripta 38 (1994) 3-22.
"Addenda to Munari's Catalogues of the Manuscripts of the Metamorphoses," Revue d'histoire des textes 25 (1995) 91-127.
"A Newly Discovered Copy of the Vulgate Commentary in an Incunabulum in the British Library," Studi Medievali 36 (1995) 321-322.
"Giovanni F. Picenardi and the Ovidian Commentary in Modena, Biblioteca Estense Est. Lat. 306 (a W. 4.13)," Revue d'histoire des textes 26 (1996) 251-252.
"A Checklist of Newly Discovered Manuscripts of the Allegoriae of Giovanni del Virgilio," Studi medievali 37 (1996) 443-453
"A Checklist of Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Pierre Bersuire's Ouidius moralizatus," Scriptorium51 (1997) 164-186.
"Hitherto Unedited Medieval and Renaissance Lives of Ovid (II): Humanistic Lives," Mediaeval Studies 59 (1997) 111-153.
"A Newly Discovered Copy of the De orthographia of Parisius de Altedo in the Geisler Library, University of California at San Diego," Scriptorium 51 (1997) 380-381.
"Two Newly Identified Accessus to Ovid's Metamorphoses in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B. 214, and London, British Library, MS Harley 2694," Manuscripta 42 (1998) 122-123.
"Bernardo Moretti: Biographer and Commentator on Ovid: the Manuscripts," Studi medievali 39 (1998) 449-459.
"On a recent publication dealing with medieval commentaries on Ovid," Studi medievali 41 (2000) 845-848.
"Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum," Journal of Medieval Latin 12 (2002) 154-180.
"Ovid's Transformation in Medieval France, c. 1100-c.1350." in Metamorphosis. The Changing Face of Ovid in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Alison Keith and Stephen Rupp (Toronto, 2007), 33-60.
"Failed Chastity and Ovid: Myrrha in the Latin Commentary Tradition from Antiquity to the Renaissance," in Chastity, ed. Nancy van Deusen (Leiden, 2008) 7-35.
"Procne and Philomela in the Latin Commentary Tradition of the Middle Ages," Euphrosyne 36 (2008) 181-196.
"Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum II," Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010) 1-17.