Mathilde Robert

Mathilde Robert

Mathilde Robert

MA Student & Graduate Teaching Associate in French & Francophone Studies

208 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road,
Columbus, OH 43210

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Office Hours

See course syllabi or by appointment.

My name is Mathilde Robert (she/her/hers). I was born in France and moved to the US seven years ago. I did not always want to be a teacher; I have discovered my passion for teaching when I was in High School. I indented Hilliard Davidson from 2016 to 2019. Helping my classmates made me adore this career furthermore spending time with my high French teacher showed me all the wonderful and unique advantages of being a teacher Then I graduated from BGSU last April with a bachelor in World Language Education (French). I am excited to peruse my education in the French an Italian program here at OSU with a master in French and Francophone studies.