FRONTIERE Spring 2024

FRONTIERE Spring 2024

Bonne année! Tanti auguri di buon anno!We greet this January welcoming a new Assistant Professor of French, the fabulous Johanna Montlouis-Gabriel, and in the midst of a search for a new Assistant…
The Department of French & Italian had a busy Autumn 2023 semester. Several events and activities, including a French Conversation Group at a local Columbus Library, a great lecture series…
FRIT is excited to announce our AU24 course options. Students interested in French & Italian language and culture will find a varied selection of GE options available through our website here and…
Celebrating the retirement of beloved Professor Danielle Marx-Scouras!She has been such a strong voice in the field of Francophone Studies. Her dedicated…
In this edition of Frontiere, we are pleased to spotlight current Italian Studies PhD student and Graduate Teaching Associate Demetrio Antolini! Before…
It is our pleasure to spotlight recent FRIT graduate, Lu Kurucz, who is doing amazing work with her Bachelor's degree in French. Congratulations, Lu, and keep up the great work! If you'd like to…
We mourn Professor Louisa Shea, who held a joint appointment in French and Italian and Comparative Studies at The Ohio State University from 2007 to 2012. She was promoted to associate professor with…
The Department of French and Italian is delighted to announce Associate Professor Benjamin Hoffmann has been honored with a prestigious creative…
The family of Albert Mancini, Professor and Director of the Italian Language Program at Ohio State 1965-2001, have established a fund in his honor. It will support an annual lecture on Italian…
The Department of French & Italian is dedicated to the shared values of our great University. In this edition of Frontiere, we would like to highlight the following individuals who exemplify our…
Stay connected with us! We love to hear from our students and community partners! Remember to subscribe to our Friends of FRIT distribution list and…