Ready to explore your career and internship options? Discover resources that will lead you towards an internship or job? Connect with employers?
Many great internship experiences exist for students of French & Italian. Students in world languages are encouraged to take advantage of any opportunity which will increase their chances of success in a dynamic professional environment. More information is available through the Advanced Language Institute in the Center for Languages, Literatures, & Cultures. Other options are also on offer through the Office of Student Life. Students should consult their Academic and Faculty Advisors to identify specific opportunities and discuss what options are best for them, their programs, and career goals.
The Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success (Career Success) can help guide you toward these goals. More than resumes, Career Success provides a number of internship and job search resources including career coaching, assistance with the Ohio State University's online career network and database Handshake, and resume and cover letter review. Career Success also hosts exciting events that help you build your network, discover new career paths, and become career ready!
Use Handshake to connect with employers by searching for full-time employment, internships, part-time work, and other experiential learning opportunities targeted toward your major. This is a direct link to employers who want to hire you! No registration is required to access Handshake; all current undergraduates and recent graduates can access using their OSU credentials on the Handshake website.
To learn more about Handshake and the other resources offered by Career Success, visit their website.
For jobs and internships across the world, visit goinglobal.com.
Reference Resources
For a general word search in French or Italian
French Dictionaries:
- French-English Dictionary
- Larousse Dictionary
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, de A - quadrivium
Using Microsoft Word, you may use the CONTROL key in combination with other keys to create accent marks. For each of the accents below, press the combination of keys indicated for the accent mark; then press the letter which is to be accented. (Note: nothing appears on the screen in the first step; it is only after the second step—when you type the letter itself—that the accented letter will appear.)
Example é: CONTROL + ' then e
This is the easiest way to make accents. However, you may also use the "Symbol" feature (pull down the menu and click on the appropriate symbol), or the ALT key in combination with the appropriate code number for each accent. To do this:
- Make sure that 'Num Lock' is on
- Use the keypad on the right of the keyboard
- While holding down the 'Alt' key, enter the 4-digit code for the desired symbol.
French Accent Marks | |||||||||||||
0192 | À | 0224 | à | 0206 | Î | 0238 | î | ||||||
0194 | Â | 0226 | â | 0207 | ï | 0239 | ï | ||||||
0199 | Ç | 0231 | ç | 0212 | Ô | 0244 | ô | ||||||
0200 | È | 0232 | è | 0217 | Ù | 0249 | ù | ||||||
0201 | É | 0233 | é | 0219 | Û | 0251 | û | ||||||
0202 | Ê | 0234 | ê | 0220 | Ü | 0252 | ü | 0171 | « | ||||
0203 | Ë | 0235 | ë | 0140 | Œ | 0156 | œ | 0187 | » |
N.B.: Newer PC's may have keyboard short cuts for these symbols; check your manual. With some computers/software, there is also the possibility of switching to a French keyboard configuration.
Apple Computers
While holding down the 'option' key, press the letter for the desired accent mark:
e for ´
` for `
u for ¨
i for ˆ- Nothing will appear on the screen yet and the cursor will not move forward.
- Let go of the 'option' key and type in the letter you wish to place under the accent mark. Use the shift key as normal for capital letters.
Other characters | |
ç | Press 'option' and 'c' at the same time |
œ | Press 'option' and 'q' at the same time |
« | Press 'option' and '\' at the same time |
Ç | Press 'option', 'shift' and 'c' at the same time |
Œ | Press 'option', 'shift' and 'q' at the same time |
» | Press 'option', 'shift' and '\' at the same time |
- Italian-English Dictionary
- English-Italian Dictionary
- Italian Dictionary
- Italian Resources
Corso completamente accessibile in 18 lezioni, con spiegazioni in inglese
Universita` di Toronto
Esercizi e vari
Io parlo italiano
Corso per immigrati della RAI. Scaricabile.
Corso Italica della Rai
Corso della Rai. Spiegazioni in portoghese, francese ecc, a scelta)
Corsi di lingua - Demo
Demo del corso in rete della ICON, consorzio di università italiane: unità 7
Enchanted learning
Universita’ di Toronto - index
Universita` di Toronto – corsi
(coniugazione di verbi in rete)
(offre un coniugatore di verbi e esercizi vari)
Suggerimenti per Attivita' Didattiche
attivita` per insegnanti
Giochi E Esercizi Di Italiano
Esercizi semplici
Il giocoliere
Giochi e quiz. Rompicapo letterari
Test Della Personalita' in Italiano da Fare in Rete
Ridi gratis
Per informazioni sulla Linguistica Italiana, clicca su:
French Media Links
Extra Conversation and Free Tutoring for students of French
Media Resources within the United States and around the world
Reference Resources: dictionaries and technology help
Vintage Films: a collection of 35 1930-1950 vintage French films
Abidjan.net (réseau de recherche ivorienne)
Le Courrier du Vietnam
- www.radioclassique.fr
- www.europe2.fr or www.virginradio.fr (rock)
- www.cheriefm.fr (soft rock)
- www.skyrock.fr (rap, r&b)
- Radio France
France Musique, France Culture, France Info
- Soul and Dance music
- RFI (Radio France Internationale)
Canada et Québec
Italian Media Links
Siti Consigliati per Acquisto DVD
Unilibro, Liberia Universitaria
WorldLanguage, The Ultimate Language Store
Cinebizarre has an interesting selections of Italian movies, and also some art films rare to find somewhere else.
American based good sources:
Italian Music
Annalisa - Un Domani (feat Mr.Rain) (Official Video)
Takagi & Ketra - Amore e Capoeira ft. Giusy Ferreri, Sean Kingston
Baby K - Da zero a cento
Annalisa - Un Domani (feat Mr.Rain) (Official Video)
Annalisa - Il Mondo Prima Di Te (Official Video) - Sanremo 2018
J-AX & Fedez - Vorrei ma non posto (Official Video)
Baby K - Voglio ballare con te ft. Andrés Dvicio
Benji & Fede - Tutto per una Ragione feat. Annalisa (Official Video)
Tiziano Ferro - Potremmo Ritornare
J-AX & Fedez - Italiana
Malika Ayane - Senza Fare Sul Serio (Videoclip Ufficiale)
Tiziano Ferro - Per dirti ciao!
Baby K - Roma Bangkok
Fabri Fibra (aggettivi) - Le donne
Giorgia (futuro) - Pregherò
Marco Mengoni - Io ti aspetto
Lorenzo Fragola (c'è, ci sono) - # fuori c'è il sole
Francesca Michelin - Nessun grado di separazione
Noemi - (immagini di Roma) La borsa di una donna
Paolo Congetto (Preposizioni) - Gelato al limon'
Giusi Ferreri (imperfetto) - Volevo te
Alex Britti (non ... mai) - Non è vero mai
J-Ax (coniugazioni di verbi al presente) - Maria Salvador
Luca Carboni (immagini di Bologna) - Bologna è una regola
Cesare Cremonini - Buon viaggio
Fedez (rap) - Magnifico
Marracash - (non.. mai, futuro, rap) Non cambierò mai
Pino Daniele (dialetto napoletano) - Je so pazzo
Gianna Nannini (aggettivi) - Bello e impossibile
Napule e’- Pino Daniele
Caruso - Lucio Dalla
Vita spericolata - Vasco Rossi
Mio fratello - Tiziano Ferro
Ciao sono io - Sandro Bit
Terra Promessa - Eros Ramazzotti
E penso a te - Lucio Battisti, live
Vivo per lei - Andrea Bocelli and Giorgia
Tu scendi dalle stelle - Bocelli
Chapter 1 – pg 25
“Tranne te”, Fabri Fibra (4:38)
Chapter 3 – pg 90
“Senza fare sul serio”, Malika Ayane (3:34)
Chapter 5 – pg 153
“Aggiungi un posto a tavola!” (4:01)
Chapter 7 - pg 212
“Le cose che abbiamo in comune”, Daniele Silvestri (3:30)
Chapter 9 – pg 269
“Calma e sangue freddo”, Luca Dirisio (3:33)
Chapter 11 - pg 320
“Questa è la mia casa”, Jovanotti (5:55)
Chapter 13 - pg 379
“Roma – Bangkok”, Baby K e Giusy Ferreri (3:26)
Chapter 15 - pg 435